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Field of Vision

Here’s a radically new, affordable approach to financial planning 

to give you control of your finances in 30 minutes a month or less

Move  forward

Too much information, too many choices can hold you back.

We have more options than ever. More apps you can use. The choices can be overwhelming and paralyze you. 

And traditional financial planners ask too much of you up front - too much data, too much to do. You can accomplish more. Focus on what you can see around you now.

Make real progress with Field of Vision Planning.

Break through
the noise

Access fee-based financial advice with
no minimum

A plan that actually
makes sense

We care too much about clients to subject them to traditional financial planning.

We have over 30 years’ experience in the financial advice business we have worked with thousands of clients and hundreds of advisors. We know financial planning is not working for many people.

  • Long term questions with answers you cannot know
  • Projections so far into the future they lose meaning
  • Thick, complicated plans
  • Time-consuming process with too much for you to do
  • Investment minimums that are too high

Our process shows you a way to get control of your finances in simple, bite-size pieces. The first year is organized in 12 half-hour virtual meetings you can do from wherever you are. From work, from home, over lunch, no time off, babysitter, or travel required.

The plan

Follow Field of Vision Program

Optimize Today

Find Success

The Field of Vision Planning Process

Each month you get a short video to watch, an exercise to complete, and then half an hour with your advisor to answer questions and work out your action plan.

One low monthly fee. There is no requirement to buy product. No requirement to transfer accounts. If you need financial solutions or portfolio management we can certainly help you. But you can go through the program without them.

We believe you deserve good advice that’s easy to implement and follow regardless of your current assets. We understand that the financial advice industry has actually made it hard which is why we developed Field of Vision financial planning, a process anyone can use to Optimize Today and have a plan to get where you want to go.

Meeting topics in year one:

  • Orient and prioritize – what is urgent?
  • Get organized
  • Get control of cash flow
  • Your Money Personality
  • Your financial habits (and your 30-minute financial review)
  • Benefits review
  • Risk Management
  • Managing your portfolio
  • Making financial decisions
  • Estate documents
  • Taxes
  • Wrap up and graduation

Traditional financial planning doesn't work for many young professionals and families. We have an alternative approach.

Field of Vision planning principles:

  • Goals are for setting direction and creating a vision
  • Habits drive success
  • Financial projections beyond five years are worthless
  • Planning is best focused on:
  • Identifying and maximizing today’s opportunities
  • Learning how to become the person who accomplishes the things you want to accomplish
  • Developing a strategy for the closest goal that does not compromise longer-term habits
  • Advisors deliver the most value when they empower clients rather than delivering instructions

Schedule your free 15 minute consultation and find out what field of vision planning can do for you.

Schedule your free Zoom call

Download our Free PDF and optimize today!

10 easy principles to help you get total control of your finances in 30 minutes a month or less.

Stop stressing about whether you are doing a good job managing your finances. Follow these 10 principles and you will be a lot more confident that you are on the right path.

Just fill in your email below and click on “Get my free guide” and we will send the report right to your inbox.